Immerse yourself in a sound healing experience of nature and life, accompanied by crystal bowls and mesmerizing views.

Our events start with breath-work and meditation, leading into a transformative healing journey with Crystal Quartz Chakra Singing Bowls, chimes, and other sound instruments. Sound healing has the power to cleanse negative energy and emotions, break old unhelpful patterns of behavior and subconscious fears, and reset the physical, emotional, and mental body into peace and harmony on a cellular level.

Sound healing can:  

·      Relieve anxiety and depression

·      Promote higher states of awareness 

·      Improve concentration

·      Relieve insomnia 

Bring a blanket, pillow, yoga mat, eye covering, and anything that will make you feel comfortable.  Bring your crystals for charging.  Please arrive on time.  

This is yet another way to drop into the Divine Feminine, or Shakti, the Universal power and the unexplainable movement of energy. Event venue will be posted one week prior to event. Registration is required!

There will be no refunds for missed or postponed classes - only credit for a future class. 

Whoever invented the phrase “as easy as breathing” clearly never practiced breathwork. While we all automatically breathe in and out without even thinking about it, conscious breathwork can be challenging both physically and mentally. It can take you to vulnerable places without ever leaving your yoga mat. That’s why it’s so important to have the proper guidance and support.

Dana offers just that by conducting a beautiful practice from start to finish. First, she breaks down the practice into understandable pieces with humor and humility that make it feel less intimidating. Then she stewards the practice in a way that feels effortless and present without being overpowering: a touch of your shin here, a change in the volume of the music there. Most importantly, she makes the transition out of breathwork smooth and supported through singing bowls and time for sharing what may have come up for you.

All of this comes together to create a safe space and a magical experience. If you have a chance to take a breathwork workshop with Dana, do it! I promise the experience will be transformative.”
— Gillian Confair



May 2024 (Level 2) - Escondido


MONTHLY Full Moon Breathwork / Sound Sessions at the Thunderdome Ranch